Jayden.Reddy _Speedy Demon

About 3 weeks ago we did a stop motion project I was accompanied by Dylan.J it was a great experience working with Dylan. Now for some details about our character.
Speedy demon is a character from a different planet that has the power to zoom through Golem City.

His symbol consists of a yellow lightning bolt that stands for his super speed .He has super speed .
I would really say the best feature of my character is his suit and why do i like it,it just looks so cool .
I know I literally just said my favorite feature was his suit but his suit could of really use some extra work for example some of his colours got mixed in certain parts of his body but all together it was a amazing experience .             


  1. Dear Jayden,
    awesome blog post! I don't think anyone else would've come up with that name! Different colours on a suit can look cool, so maybe mixed colours wouldn't look so bad.


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